Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Book Six.

1) Hector is not someone who wants to appear as a coward, so he won't stop fighting.
2) His wife will become a slave. (?)
3) Hector believes that everyone's fate is already pre-determined. There is nothing anyone can do to change their fate, so they need to learn to just accept it.
4) I learned that Hector is proud of who he is as a person. Also, all he wants for his son is for him to be greater than himself, have great pride in who he is, and be brave.
5) Hector is more of a god than Achilles in my opinion. This is because Hector fights like a real man. He does not have the god like qualitys that Achillies does. He can die at any time while he is out fighting. Where as, Achillies doesn't have to worry about it as much. He also has more pride than Achillies. Achillies seems to take everything for granted. He is also too "high and mighty" about himself. He also knows he wont die. On the other hand, Hector will die. But he will die knowing he has done good. These make Hector more of an epic hero than Achillies is.