Tuesday, April 26, 2011


From the year 1948 to 1994, there was a legal system of racial segregation in South Africa. This was known as apartheid. The colored people who made up the majority of the land ended up being oppressed and the whites took over. The colored people, by law, were not allowed to be where the white people lived, and they all had seprate public places.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sindbads Next Adveture

  Once upon a time, there was no happy ending for our beloved Sindbad. All of his nail biting exciting stories have come to an end...for our friend has met his match in this unsuccessful adventure.
   No, ha ha I'm only kidding. Our friend does not die in this adventure; however he is defeated in a gambling match against the Italian Mafia member Stefano Vito Marsigglio. They were playing black jack in a cosino in Egypt. Then he lost.

P.S...I will write a better one tonight Ms. Rokicki..I just can't focus right now.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Book Six.

1) Hector is not someone who wants to appear as a coward, so he won't stop fighting.
2) His wife will become a slave. (?)
3) Hector believes that everyone's fate is already pre-determined. There is nothing anyone can do to change their fate, so they need to learn to just accept it.
4) I learned that Hector is proud of who he is as a person. Also, all he wants for his son is for him to be greater than himself, have great pride in who he is, and be brave.
5) Hector is more of a god than Achilles in my opinion. This is because Hector fights like a real man. He does not have the god like qualitys that Achillies does. He can die at any time while he is out fighting. Where as, Achillies doesn't have to worry about it as much. He also has more pride than Achillies. Achillies seems to take everything for granted. He is also too "high and mighty" about himself. He also knows he wont die. On the other hand, Hector will die. But he will die knowing he has done good. These make Hector more of an epic hero than Achillies is.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Unconditional Love

From the Old Testament, the story Parable of teh Prodigal Son, they imply the concept of unconditional love.
Now, unconditional love is something we have all heard of. However, it is a matter of how far should it go? Should there be boundries? Limits? How much love are the parents or guardians going to tolerate before they say enough is enough? Love is one of the strongest four letter words in the universe. It is also something we all possess, receive, and give. In this story from the Old Testament, we learn that the father has unconditional love for his sons no matter what they do. It is supposed to teach a lesson of having unconditional love for your family members. Personally, I think that with unconditional love comes limits. Now, what I mean is, it doesn't mean you will not love them, it simply means that they ahould not be taking advantage of your love. If they begin to do so, there should be punishments. Punishments that are sure to teach them a lesson. However, if the do not learn a lesson and continue to take advatage of you time and time again, it may reach the point where you become so fed up with everything that they don't want the other person in their lives anymore. This story teachus that, no matter how much someone may screw up, we still have unconditional love for them. A valued lesson in today's society.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Epic of Gigamesh

Throughout the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh goes on a quest. When you hear the term "epic" it means that it will involve a quest of some sort. The quest that he goes on is a quest for immortaltiy. After Eniku, his best friend dies, he is devistated and doen't know what else to do other than go searching for immortality. In the end he realizes that everybody dies, and he must too when it is his time to go.

(Mrs. Rokicki, the blog is not letting me post a picture. It keeps saying "server rejected") =/

Friday, November 5, 2010

Seven Gods/Godesses

Hermes is the messener god.
 Athena is the goddess of wisdon and warefare. She protects the Greeks.
 Hera is the queen of the gods. She is also the sister and wife of Zeus. She favors the Greeks.
Hermes is the messenger god.

Thetis is the sea goddess. She is also the mother of Achilles.

 Zeus is the king of the gods, the father of Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, and Hermes; for the most part, he does not take sides in the war.
Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty; she favors the Trojans.

rachael loves binto !

i love you ! i love you ! i love you ! i love you !